All Episodes

Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 30 in total

Understanding puberty: Physical and emotional changes 🌱🌴 (Ep.30)

In this episode of the Milk and Madness podcast, we dive into the topic of puberty, even though our own children haven’t quite reached this milestone yet. We explore r...

Sex after childbirth 😘 (Ep.29)

How will sex be impacted after child birth? Navigating Sex After Childbirth: Insights and Honest ConversationsIn this episode of the Milk and Madness podcast, Dee and ...

Navigating Identity Shifts in Parenthood 🧭 (Ep.28)

Navigating Identity Shifts in ParenthoodWill our identities continue to evolve throughout the rest of our lives? Why did we think we were done?In this episode of the M...

Food fights: I don't want to eat that! 🍽️ 🤢(Ep.27)

Food fights: I don't want to eat that!In this episode of Milk and Madness, we dive into the complexities of feeding children, especially picky eaters. We'll share our ...

Shielding vs. exposing: The good, the bad and the ugly! 🛡️ (Ep.26)

Shielding vs. Exposing: The Good, the Bad, and the UglyIn this episode of Milk and Madness, we explore the delicate balance between shielding our children from life's ...

100 days of prep (foundational)! 🎒🍎 (Ep.25)

100 days of prep. Who knew it was a thing?In this episode of Milk and Madness, we give you an update on how our school journey is going given we hit the 100-day milest...

Baby non-essentials - don't waste your money on these items! 🧸💸 (Ep.24)

Baby non-essentials. What do you actually need?Following on from our discussion last week, in this episode of Milk and Madness, we discuss items that we consider to be...

Baby essentials - what do you actually need?! 🍼🤰🏻 (Ep.23)

Baby essentials. With so many items out there, what do you actually need? In this episode of Milk and Madness, we get pragmatic about baby essentials. We'll break down...

Gender reveal parties.... yay or nay? ♀️♂️(Ep. 22)

Gender reveal partiesAre they a fun-filled surprise? Or a glitter-filled mess? Is it all in good fun, or just too much?  In today’s episode, we delve into the world of...

From partners to parents: Relationship dynamics in the first year 👨🏾‍👩🏾‍👧🏾 👪 👩🏼‍👩🏼‍👧🏼 (Ep. 21)

Partners to Parents: Such a dramatic change occurs when your bundle of joy arrives. Is there anything that can prepare you? We say yes and no. The classes and lessons ...

Doing their homework.... yay or nay? 🏫 🎒 📖 (Ep. 20)

Homework. Are we one? Were we one? Will we become one? One of those parents who end up doing their kids homework. In an attempt to help kids with their homework or pro...

Pets... yay or nay? 🐕🐈🐟 (Ep. 19)

Pets. Our furry, scaly, and feathered friends. Did you have a pet growing up that you were responsible for, or were you not allowed to but always wanted one? In today'...

Allowances... yay or nay? 💰🧽🧹 (Ep. 18)

Allowances. Are you paying your kids a weekly allowance to get things done around the house? Or are you using allowances as a tool to teach kids financial responsibili...

Sleepovers... yay or nay? 😴 🛏️ 💤 (Ep. 17)

Sleepovers. Are you excited to get the kids out of the house so you can have a night off, or does the idea bring up all sorts of anxiety? In today's Yay or Nay episode...

Fantasy & festivities : What do your kids believe? 🎅🏼🐰🧚🏼‍♀️ (Ep. 16)

Did you believe in Santa growing up? Did the tooth fairy replace your tooth with money? Enter into the world of make believe where as parents we try to strike a balanc...

Mental Load Pt.2: Busting myths 🦄 (Ep. 15)

Following our discussion last week, we've identified a few myths around mental load that warrants extra exploration.Key takeaways:Proactive intervention: Addressing me...

Mental Load Pt. 1: Invisible and unquantifiable 🤯 (Ep. 14)

Where do we even start.... how do you articulate something when its invisible? Mental load is like carrying a backpack everywhere you go. Initially light, it quickly f...

The weight of returning to work 💼 (Ep. 13)

Retuning back to work, you're either dreading it or counting down the minutes. Does it seem like your world has been turned upside down as you prepare to re-enter the ...

We survived our first school holidays! 📚 (Ep. 12)

School holidays.... Did that just send chills down your spin? Does everything get turned on its head when the holidays come around... again? We had just started school...

Your partner's parenting style : does it conflict or complement yours? 😶‍🌫️ (Ep. 11)

What do you do if your partner's parenting style conflicts with yours? Or, if you find yourself parenting in a way that you did not expect? Or... maybe you're the exac...

The parenting style quiz: Unmasking our styles 🎭 (Ep. 10)

Are our parenting styles a reflection of our personalities, or are they a byproduct of our upbringing? Parenting styles can differ vastly, and we were curious to know ...

Our first month of school: We're now school mums! 🍎 (Ep. 9)

By 'our first month of school', we, of course, mean our kid's first month. In some ways, though, it was just as much an adjustment for us as it was for our little ones...

We LOVE being mums, but there are days we HATE it... 😢 (Ep. 8)

You are not going to love every single day of motherhood - it's the truth! We love being mums, but yes, there will be days where you're exhausted, and honestly feeling...

Dee's personal birth stories: Mucus plugs, natural labour and en caul birth 🤰(Ep. 7)

Are you pregnant and curious about what labour might be like? Or if you'll poop while giving birth? Perhaps you're just interested in hearing about someone else's birt...

Nhi's personal birth stories : 2 C-sections, a sweep and stretch and natural labour 👼🏼 (Ep. 6)

Are you pregnant and wondering what a C-section will feel like? Or what's a sweep and stretch? Join Nhi as she talks through her personal journey of having gone throug...

When one becomes two (or more) - how having another child might change things 👶🏻👶🏻 (Ep. 5)

How will adding another child into the mix change things? For you? For your family? And would it impact your relationship with your first born?If you're considering ha...

Expectations versus reality: The early days 🍼 (Ep. 4)

Did you have any expectations about what being a Mum was going to be like? We definitely did. Some expectations were correct, but many caught us by surprise! Join us a...

Who knew breastfeeding was so tough?? We didn't. 😖 (Ep. 3)

Breastfeeding. It's realllly tough. Consider this your warning! Join Nhi & Dee as we walk through our honest, open, and raw (anddd bloody 😢) experiences in hope that i...

Let's get to know each other 👩🏻‍🎤🤪 (Ep. 2)

Let's get to know each other! A quick intro to who we (Nhi & Dee!) are, what makes us tick, why we wanted to start this podcast, and also start giving you a glimpse of...

Welcome to Milk and Madness! 👋🏼 (Ep. 1)

Hey friends, this is Nhi and Dee and you’re joining us for the Milk and Madness podcast, where we talk about those ‘Aha’ or ‘I wish I knew about this’ moments, as a mu...

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